Choose one word to focus on for the week. This just helps to narrow your focus on language and make home practice more manageable. Frequently used core words include: 1. Want 2. More 3. Go 4. Stop 5. Help 6. Play 7. I/you 8. Turn 9. On 10. Off
Here is a list of games and activities you can play to help build your child's language skills No prep games 1. READ 2. I spy 3. Simon Says 4. Singing songs 4. Going on picnic (state items to bring by choosing a category alphabet, color, clothing, etc) 5. Charades 6. Pictionary
Open ended toys 1. Potato head 2. Kitchen/store 3. Legos/blocks 4. Cars 5. Art/crafts
Card games 1. Uno 2. Go fish 3. Memory 4. Spot it 5. Monkey Around 6. Pickles to Penguins 7. Headbanz
Board games 1. Guess Who 2. Zingo 3. I Spy Dig In 4. Busy Town 5. 5 Second Rule 6. Shopping List 7. Guess in 10
Executive Functioning
Executive functions are the mental skills that help children plan, focus, remember instructions, and manage multiple tasks at once. These abilities are crucial for success in school and daily life, as they allow kids to organize their thoughts, control impulses, and follow through with tasks. Just like muscles, executive functions develop over time and with practice. As parents, supporting your child’s executive function development through routines, modeling, self talk, and patience can help them build these important skills.
More information and activities to come. Please reach out to Jenna Massey the Speech Language Pathologist at [email protected] if you have questions, concerns, or need more materials for your student.